Prof. Dr. Derk Loorbach (professor of Socioeconomic Transitions, director of DRIFT, and principal investigator of the Design, Impact, Transition (DIT) platform of the Erasmus University Rotterdam): ‘There are already transitions taking place on a small scale. We need to make those small steps visible to start seeing the big change.’

Dr. Ir. Véronique Patteeuw (lecturer at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et du Paysage Lille, visiting lecturer at the KU Leuven and EPFL Lausanne and academic editor of OASE): ‘It’s about a piece of forgotten history. How can the experiments of the 1970’s help us to face the challenges of today?’

Dr. Léa-Catherine Szacka (co-founder of PASZA Platform for Architectural Research, senior lecturer in Architectural Studies at the University of Manchester and visiting lecturer at The Berlage, Delft University of Technology): ‘We are showing the younger generation that the future is already here.We have to start now.’

Peter Veenstra, co-founder of LOLA Landscape Architects (with Cees van der Veeken and Eric-Jan Pleijster): ‘IT’S ABOUT TIME is a confrontation with time pressure. We need to slow down the growth and speed up the solution.’